Theme: Sustainable Energy Systems In most of the countries, renewable energy sources have touched grid parity. The key issues on increase the penetration of renewables in the energy grid infrastructures to have integration of the renewable energy resources to achieve sustainable energy systems and communities. The integration of intermittent renewable energy sources to the energy grids depends on the scale of renewable energy and storage technologies. Higher capacity renewables are connected to energy and power grids, including low, medium, and high voltage networks. It necessitates advanced research and innovation as well as technical developments, to achieve smart cities and sustainable communities. The innovations include power management, micro energy grid developments, and modernization of distributed energy networks with different energy storage technologies to fulfil the target demand with the required flexibility, and power dispatching in controllable manner. The Special Issue of the ‘International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy’, (ISSN: 2315-4462 print, 2373-3594 online), DOI: 10.12720/sgce, is going to cover selected high-quality (peer reviewed) papers from the 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (SGGE 2019), which will be held on January 23-25, 2019 in Singapore. The SGGE 2019 is going to provide a forum for presenting and publishing high quality technical articles with recent developments in smart grid and sustainable energy systems. The key topics include: Applications of smart grid to cyber and physical security systems, Energy management systems (with application to building and home automation), Communication and control in energy systems, Intelligent monitoring and outage management, Smart sensors and advanced metering infrastructure, Wide-area protection, Microgrids, Renewable energy, Energy storage and distributed energy resources, Plug-in vehicles and low-carbon transportation alternatives, etc. High quality papers are welcome, which examine or reflect design, operation, control, or implementations of sustainable energy systems and smart grid infrastructures, clean and renewable energy, power and energy engineering, and sustainable transportation systems. Importance may be given to smart grid and sustainable energy systems and technologies that deal with progressive / innovative methods and technologies, which emphasize any of these methodologies: demonstrating experimental analysis and design, control engineering, protection systems, modelling and simulation, computational intelligence, optimization algorithms, and data analysis. Submission: Please prepare your paper according to the journal template, which is available at http://www.ijsgce.com/uploadfile/2013/0330/20130330071050491.doc. Please submit your paper by EasyChair Submission System https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SGGE2019 or by email via sgge@cbees.net. and for more details please visit http://www.sgge.org Important Date: