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A multi-step multi-objective generation expansion planning model-A case study in Mexico

Author(s):Rodrigo Palaciosa, Eduardo Valdesb,Rafael Batresa

aLaboratorio Binacional para la gestión inteligente de la sustentabilidad energética y la formación tecnológica. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Campus Cuernavaca. Morelos, Mexico
bUniversidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. Nuevo Leon, Mexico
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 7, no. 2, April 2018: pp. 90-97
ISSN: 2315-4462 (Print)
ISSN: 2373-3594 (Online)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.7.2.90-97

Abstract: The planning of the energy sector implies multiple and conflicting objectives. The multi-objective models allow to analyse these interrelationships and obtain trade-off solutions. This paper presents a mixed integer linear model for the Multistep Multi-objective Generation Expansion Planning (MMGEP). The MMGEP problem is defined as the problem of determining: What are the types of generation technologies to be added to the grid? What is the capacity of each new generation plant? Where the plant will be located? and; When the plant will be located? The MMGEP objectives are minimization the global cost of the system, minimization the environmental impact and maximization the social profits. The proposed model is based on a real power system in Mexico for planning period 2017-2037. The problem was solved using the NSGA-II algorithm.

Keywords:Energy planning, generation expansion planning, capacity expansion planning, GEP
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