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Sustainable business models for retrofitting and their benefits for historical buildings energy performance

Author(s): Adrian Tantau

Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Calea Grivitei 2A, Bucharest, Romania
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2020: pp. 795-804
ISSN: 2315-4462 (Print)
ISSN: 2373-3594 (Online)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.9.4.795-804

Abstract: This article analyses the benefits of sustainable business models in improving energy performance of buildings, in special historical buildings. The benefits are structured in economic benefits, environmental benefits and social benefits with a focus on energy savings, energy consumption reduction, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other social benefits. The main objective of this article consist in developing a tool for identifying the key factors that contribute to the improvement of energy performance in the case of business models for retrofitting of historical building. The news of this research consists in extended traditional tools for business models (e.g. Canvas Structure, or Triple Layer Business Model) to a sustainable business model for retrofitting and developed it for the specific case of historical buildings and for energy performance improvement. The key factors that contribute to the improvement of energy performance in the case of retrofitting for an historical building and also the benefits of sustainable business models for the owner and for the society are analyzed taking into account the three main dimensions of sustainability: the economic, the environmental and the social. The results offer relevant data for entrepreneurs, but also for policy makers and other specialists which are involved in the development of new standards for retrofitting of historical buildings.

Keywords: Sustainable business models, energy performance, historical buildings, environmental benefits, social benefits
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