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Model of municipal solid waste treatment using mixture design

Author(s): Christia Meidiana, Febrina Ambar, and Wawargita Permata Wijayanti

Department of Reginal ad Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65147, Indonesia
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 9, no. 2, March 2020: pp. 443-447
ISSN: 2315-4462 (Print)
ISSN: 2373-3594 (Online)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.9.2.443-447

Abstract: The study aims to propose a model enabling to determine the optimum combination of three waste management constituents, i.e, reuse, incineration and recycle which produces the lowest GHG emission. Simplex mixture design was used to determine the model. Change of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission as a regressand is analyzed over the various waste amount. The best model is is generated from the combinantions for its lowest P-value and the highest adjusted R-squared which is less than 0.0001 and 0,9999 respectively. The model describes that lowest GHGs emission can be achieved by optimizing plastic recycle (into flakes), limiting incineration and increasing paper, glass and metal reuse. Incineration, reuse and recycle is proportional to the GHGs emission individually. Combination of 42.56% recycle, 0.57% incineration, and 56.88% reuse will generate the lowest GHGs which is 0.00025 Gg CO2eq/yr.

Keywords: Mixture design, municipal solid waste, waste treatment
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