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ATHLET simulation code: Model validation of a thermal high-performance storage system

Author(s): Torsten Klette, Thomas Gubsch, Christian Vogel, Doreen Kratzsch, Sebastian Braun, Steffen Härtelt and Alexander Kratzsch

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Process Technology, Process Automation and Measuring Technology, Theodor-Körner-Allee 16, 02763 Zittau, Germany
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 8, no. 1, January 2019: pp. 1-10
ISSN: 2315-4462 (Print)
ISSN: 2373-3594 (Online)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.8.1.1-10

Abstract: The volatile provision of electricity through renewable energies makes it necessary for thermal power plants, especially in Germany, to operate in a highly flexible manner and thus react to the dynamic requirements of the electricity market. One way of achieving this flexibility is to integrate a high-performance thermal storage system. The function of the thermal high-performance storage system is to store (load) heat in the event of an excess supply of electricity and to release (discharge) heat in the event of a shortage of electricity. In this way, thermal high-performance storage systems contribute to stabilizing the transmission networks and promote the further expansion of renewable energies. The overall goal is to develop a simulation-supported, validated design tool for thermal high-performance storage. This paper presents the current state of development of the dynamic simulation model for a thermal high-performance storage system and the results of the validation. The creation of the dynamic model is realized with the ATHLET simulation code (Analysis of Thermal-hydraulics of LEaks on Transients). The dynamic model of a thermal high-performance storage system corresponds to the displacement storage and other components of the thermal energy storage system (THERESA) in the Zittau power plant laboratory, a test facility at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The validation of the generated dynamic simulation model is carried out with the experimental data based on specifically designed testes adapted to thermal power plants and the EBSILON®Professional system. A first validation was successfully completed. In the next step, further experimental tests will be carried out with the THERESA test facility, simulated parallel with EBSILON®Professional, in order to validate the dynamic ATHLET simulation model for a correspondingly large parameter field.

Keywords: Thermal high-performance storage system, dynamic simulation model, ATHLET simulation code, displacement storage, steam storage, high pressure, thermal energy storage
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