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A Grid-Responsive Underfrequency Load-Reduction Control Scheme

Author(s): Koji Yamashita*, Yoshihiro Kitauchi, and Toshio Inoue
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industy, 2-11-1, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 2, no. 1, January 2013: pp. 100–106
ISSN: 2315-4462
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.2.1.100-106

Abstract: The participation of power electronics interfaced loads or inverter-based loads has increased steadily over the last few decades and is expected to continue to increase. Such participation reduces the effect of loads on mitigating voltage and frequency variations, which is also called the self-regulation characteristic of loads. In order to restore the decreasing self-regulation characteristic of loads, an autonomous load-reduction control scheme which reduces electric loads by sending onset signals at 49.2 Hz was developed. The developed scheme reduces the active power consumption by 5% for 10 minutes. After the frequency recovers at over 49.2 Hz, the scheme allows the active power consumption to return to the pre-control level. The major benefits of the scheme are almost no extra cost of implementation and almost no inconvenience for appliance owners. Therefore, loads with this scheme are expected to be classified in the smart load category in the future. The autonomous load-reduction control scheme was implemented in a residential air-conditioner made by a major manufacturer and performed as expected.

Keywords: Autonomous control, load, load control, power system, underfrequency

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