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Design, Simulation, and Verification Techniques for Highly Portable and Flexible Wireless M-Bus Protocol Stacks

Author(s): Axel Sikoraa*, Dirk Lillb
a University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Badstrasse 24, D77652 Offenburg, Germany
b Steinbeis Transfer Center Embedded Design and Networking, Poststrasse 35, D79423 Heitersheim, Germany
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 1, no. 1, September 2012: pp. 97–102
ISSN: 2315-4462
Digital Object Identifier: 10.12720/sgce.1.1.97-102 

Abstract: Wireless M-Bus according to EN 1757 is a major contender for Local Metrological Network (LMN) of Smart Metering and Smart Grid applications, as it holds the promise of a flexible, albeit optimized solution. It enjoys wide popularity in continental Europe, but increasingly in many other regions of the world. However, Wireless M-Bus is characterized by a wide variety of different operation modes (C-, N-, P-, Q-, R-, S-, and T-modes), which work in different frequencies (i.e. 868 MHz, 433 MHz, and 169 MHz). It can be enhanced by extensions from groups, like Open Metering System (OMS) Group, or national bodies.
This contribution describes requirements, design techniques and experiences from the development of highly efficient Wireless M-Bus protocol stacks, which also support good flexibility with regard to MCU- and RF-hardware. The presented approach is not limited to the use of modern software engineering design processes, as such, but also includes essential additional features like testing or simulation, as well as tools for commissioning and monitoring.

Keywords: Local metrological network, wireless M-bus, EN13757, software engineering

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